Dr. Oz's Corona virus Survival Protocol


Lifestyle: Get at least seven hours of sleep a night . . . aim to exercise 30 minutes every other day . . . meditate . . . and improve air quality by using a humidifier and HEPA filter to reduce virus particles in the air.

Hygiene: Don't shake hands . . . don't touch your face . . . triple your hand-washing time to at least 20 seconds . . . use hand sanitizer that's at least 60% alcohol . . . use disinfectant sprays instead of wipes on surfaces around the house . . . and let them sit for three minutes before drying.

Prepare: Have a two-week supply of household items like toilet paper, soap, and detergent . . . food like canned goods and freezer items . . . and both prescription and over-the-counter medicines.

Boost your immune system: Eat your fruits and vegetables . . . take Vitamin D3 . . . and get your flu shot.

If you're sick:. Take 80 milligrams of zinc daily . . . 250 milligrams of Vitamin C twice a day . . . 250 milligrams of beta-glucan daily . . . and elderberry syrup or lozenges four times a day for five days.

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