Janine Wolf

Janine Wolf

Janine Wolf


Sharing Some Of My "Snow Day" Pictures With You

One of the things my parents told us to never do when we were kids!

Took a snow walk Saturday morning & it was so fun! One of the many things I like about my NoPo/University Park neighborhood are my neighbors. People were out all over enjoying the snow. Some were doing things my parents told us we should never do...man it looked fun! Things did take a turn in my hood by Sunday night when some transformers blew & lines were knocked down by tree limbs...power was OUT for 23 hours for me...longer for others. It made me realize how fortunate I am to have shelter, food, blankets, good neighbors and my beautiful, warm cat, Lucky!

Rolling a snow man!
Proof that even during a pandemic & snow, Portland is still Weird!
Reminds me of my Dad, although we had a wooden sled in those days!
Kamala's covered by snow, but we know she's there!
Nothing's going to stop them!
A lot of happy kids with happy dogs!
Cross Country on Willamette Blvd...why not?
Chatted with him, but kept my mouth shut about how icy his stairs were going to be that night!
Another one of those things my parents told us to NEVER do!

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