Yesterday I took my cat Lucky to a new vet for her annual check up & the vet asks me if anyone ever told me Lucky is probably a rare cat breed called Turkish Van (pronounced 'von'), well no one ever had, but I get asked a lot what breed she is because of her markings; all white body with one black ear and a black tail, and in her case, a black nose. Turkish Van can come in other colors too, and have both ears a color sometimes. So I looked it up when I got home and I’m pretty sure she is; she’s the right size & weight, has amber eyes, she’s a jumper, likes to play, likes to be up high, her hair doesn’t mat, and she looks just like the pictures. Now, if you buy one from a breeder, they’re in the $500 to $800 range, even up to $1,500. I got her at Oregon Humane Society for $125. Rare or not, it doesn't matter, I love Lucky all the same...she's PRICELESS!
Click HERE for more info on Turkish Van cats