Janine Wolf

Janine Wolf

Janine Wolf


Life Hack: How to Unshrink Shrunk Clothes With Hair Conditioner

2011 Consumer Electronics Show Showcases Latest Technology Innovations

Photo: Getty Images North America

I learned years ago not to throw clothes that I think might shrink, in the dryer. In fact, I don't put most of my shirts and blouses in the dryer, but hang them on the line in my basement to let them dry. You not only avoid shrinkage, but air drying makes your clothes hold up longer. But I saw this Life Hack about how to unshrink cotton clothes you've shrunk in the clothes dryer with hair conditioner, and thought I'd pass it along. I'm not sure if it works, but when you've shrunk something and are desperate, why not try anything...right?

Click HERE for the directions

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