Jennie James

Jennie James

Jennie James gets you through the workday. Music, entertainment, fun!Full Bio


How to Establish a Healthy Morning Routine

I am not a morning person. But I have kids now so I'm a morning person, even if I don't like it. Here are some ways to have a better morning.

Wake Up Gently. Skip the loud, obnoxious alarm.

Sip Away Stress.Cucumbers, oranges, and lemons are packed with potassium and calcium so drop some slices in your water.

B-Line to This Vitamin. Vitamin B helps manage stress and may benefit your mood.

Step Outside. The light activates your brain's central clock, which regulates just about every system and cell in your body.

Sing in the Shower. Songs with with heavy bass and motivating lyrics made people feel more powerful.

Power Up with Protein. You’ll have fewer hunger pangs, offset the sugar crash, and help you make better food choices throughout the day.

Do Your Toughest Task. Research has shown employees are most likely to complete work that they start around 11 a.m.—so take on your hardest to-do now, when you're most clearheaded and efficient.

(MarthaStewart) Photo: Getty/Oscar Wong

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