The band called the music video their most embarrassing clip, telling Entertainment Weekly: “We’re all beefed out”. The video was shot at Howard Middle School in Orlando, Florida, and is mostly angst-ridden expressions and plenty of abs. MTV banned the video at first because of all the shirtlessness.
This was the closest this band had to a chart-topper on the US Hot 100. It peaked at #2, being prevented from reaching the summit by firstly "Mo Money Mo Problems" by The Notorious B.I.G. then "Honey" by Mariah Carey.
The song was written by Max Martin and Herbie Crichlow. Chrchlow recalled "I had a fight with my wife, and it just kind of hit me. I ran into the studio, and I was like, 'Martin, I've got this idea. I've got this song, and we have to go do it, now!' We ran downstairs and basically, the song was written in about 25 minutes."
And one of the guys in the band has just been announced for DWTS!
Yes duh! It's Backstreet Boys. And congrats to AJ, we'll be rooting for ya on DWTS!!