I Know That Song! The One Sweet Love Song To Follow Her Rage Filled Debut

Please join us at 7:10 each morning on K103 and see if you can guess the songs we're talking about. If you miss it you can catch the replay on our I Know That Song Podcast.

Today’s singer, who is most known for one of the most angry rage-fueled break up songs ever, explained the changes of heart when she wrote today’s song:

"When relationships get healthier and healthier we somehow equate that with not being as passionate or as sexy," she explained. "I've kind of realized that it's actually sexier when there's less drama...I never thought that that would be the case because of the whole clingy, overly dependent roller coaster that oftentimes seemed very passionate and very sexy. 

And when I wrote [today’s song]... it was the first time that I actually had a glimpse of what it would be like to be in love and have it be something that was inducing of the heart palpitations, yet at the same time I could spend a couple minutes and actually not think about that person. It was very new to me."

Crazy to think about now, but that time this song was made, this singer did NOT have a record deal, so she was shopping it while recording it. She got lots of rejections before landing it with Maverick Records, Madonna's label.

Fun Fact: Today’s Canadian superstar plays a harmonica solo on this track. She got a few harmonicas in different keys from a Guitar Center in Sherman Oaks, one of which she played on today’s song.

Today’s singer was born in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. When she was six years old, she started to play the piano. She appeared on the children's television sketch comedy You Can't Do That on Television for five episodes when she was in junior high school. She began her musical career in Canada in the early 1990s with two mildly successful dance-pop albums. 

Today’s song, the fifth single from her 1995 album Jagged Little Pill, helped keep her in the top 20 on the Billboard 200 albums chart for more than a year. She sold more than 16 million copies in the U.S and 33 million worldwide, making it the second biggest-selling album by a female artist behind Shania Twain.  

The guy who inspired the first single from the album You Oughtta Know, was Dave Coulier from Full House. She also dated fellow Canadian Ryan Reynolds and announced their engagement in 2004. Their reps announced it was over 3 years later. 

Bonus track: I had to share the video version with the actors from the Broadway show "Jagged Little Pill." It's the only Broadway show I've ever seen. (My boyfriend took me to NYC for my birthday a couple months before the pandemic and couldn't believe he got us tickets.) Directed by Juno's Diablo Cody and set to Alanis' music, it was SO GOOD. When we're back to normal if you can, go see it! ~Stacey Lynn

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