The Debit Card Addressed To Your Child? It's Legit, Don't Throw Away!

This week, Oregon children will begin receiving the first of three monthly payments of up to $408 per child to help their families afford to feed them.

For children enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the extra money will be loaded onto their parents’ Oregon Trail cards between Thursday and July 29, then again in late August and late September.

Hundreds of thousands of additional children, whose families make too much money to qualify for food stamps, will be mailed special debit cards with the child’s name on them.

The cards will be mailed Thursday from South Dakota, and state officials are warning families to be on the lookout for mail from an unfamiliar address in that state that will contain the cards. Like Oregon Trail cards, they will be reloaded in late August and late September to allow for purchase of additional groceries.

Whether or not your child/children qualified for the free or reduced price meals at school, they should be getting the first of three payments from the state of Oregon.

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