I Know That Song! The One That Inspired Stevie Nicks Song "Stand Back"

Today’s the day you will put it all together...If you kept track of the songs this week and can name the theme at 7:20 win free lunch at Jersey Mike’s ($25)

The story goes that today’s singer came up with the opening lines - "I guess I should have known, by the way you parked your car sideways, that it wouldn't last" - after falling asleep in the back of a car owned by his keyboard player Lisa Coleman.

She later confirmed the story...sort of: “Well... I guess. He was 'sleeping' with someone we knew called Denise Matthews [aka Vanity] and she was 'sleeping' in the back of the car, too...So I imagine they were making out, or doing whatever, in the back seat and they probably had a wonderful moment of afterglow, which is when he got the seed of the idea... But it's not a red Corvette, it's a pink Mercury!"

‘Little Pink Mercury’ doesn’t quite have the same ring to it as the title of today’s song, so the singer made the executive decision to falsify the car branding. However, that pink Mercury was one that he remained totally in love with, as Coleman reminisced: [He] was always borrowing my car because it was awesome...it was just the perfect cruise-mobile on a beautiful day in Minneapolis. 

He actually put a couple of dents in it because it was so big. He’d come up to me and mumble, ‘Hey Lisa, sorry about your car’. So I’d run out to inspect the damage and there’d be a little dent with some yellow paint from a pole he’d reversed into”

Today’s song would go on to inspire Fleetwood Mac’s Stevie Nicks to create ‘Stand Back’.

On the day of her wedding, Nicks and her new husband Kim Anderson were driving North to Santa Barbara for their honeymoon when she first heard [today’s song] then, while humming to the track, she wrote ‘Stand Back’ on that day.

When Nicks went to record the track, she called today’s singer to tell him the story behind her inspiration and, as quick as a flash, he appeared like magic at the studio. Nicks later told Timothy White that he “walked over to the synthesizers that were set up, was absolutely brilliant for about 25 minutes and then left. He spoiled me for every band I’ve ever had because nobody can exactly recreate—not even with two piano players—what [he] did all by his little self.”

Prince...Little Red Corvette...I Know That Song

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