For The Techie Dad
The best tech gifts really depend on your guy and what he's into however here's a pretty cool list of ideas.
They include a wine aerator, Apple Air Pods Pro (LOVE MINE, the noise cancelling is crazy) a wireless charging station/sound system from Bed Bath and Beyond and a smart outdoor plug to control outdoor lights and devices from your phone (I've already ordered for my bf shhhh!)
For The Foodie Dad
There are a lot of Dads in the Portland area that are true foodies, and many who are outstanding cooks. If that’s your Dad, or he is just starting to spend more time in the kitchen, consider some appropriate Father’s Day gifts. Portland Monthly lists their suggestions, from our local Marhall’s Haute Sauce to fresh ingredients from Ayers Creek Farm, to a Portland made Bengston cutting board.
Check out PDX Monthly for a few other ideas for the outdoorsy dad, musical dad, artsy dad etc...
Get on it, Father's Day is Sunday June 19!