She's a hot one today folks. 95 the high, 90 tomorrow. Here are some tips to keep cool and safe.
*Any time it heats up, check in with friends, family and neighbors who live alone. Find out if they need supplies to stay cool at home or help getting to a cool space.
*Drink water, stay in the shade, seek out cool spaces and never leave people or pets in a hot car. Find other ways to stay cool and healthy here
*If you or someone you know needs help during this time here's a link to cooling shelters around Portland.
*Oregonlive has more tips to chill out and save energy.
*FOB Hack for your car: Did you know you can use your key fob to cool your car down before you get into it? The key fob for many cars now can roll down all windows
at once. Try pressing your unlock button twice, holding it down the second time until all windows are open.