When Chloe Sexton lost her mother to brain cancer on April 12, she immediately stepped into a parenting role to her sister, Charlotte, then 7. And just this month, little Charlotte had her 8th birthday, her first without their mother, Jennifer.
Chloe said she has always been very invested in throwing birthday parties, and wanted to plan something special for her little sister, but as Charlotte's party neared, Chloe was devastated that only one family had returned an RSVP, so she shared the situation on Tik Tok.
Almost immediately, Sexton began receiving messages from people around the world asking how they could help.
Chloe told anyone who asked to simply send a card for Charlotte to read and since then, their P.O. box has been packed to the brim every single day. But the cards were just the beginning.
First, Gracie the pony arrived with her owner Libby Sexton said of the 22-year-old horse who made the trip from Oxford, Mississippi. Then a Jeep Group privately orchestrated a drive by of more than thirty Jeeps in a Facebook group unbeknownst to the family.
They were handing out cash and throwing rubber duckies into the yard and had decorated their cars and were blasting happy birthday songs…