Wonder what your child is saying when they call someone thirsty? USA Today's compiled a list of 20 things you might not understand coming out of your teen's mouth. Pretty much my house 24/7
Fam - A person’s group of friends, but can also sometimes be used to reference just one member of that tight inner circle.
Example: “What’s up, fam?”
Lit - Used to describe something that is hot and happening. Similar to “cool,” but with an added emphasis on the fact that it’s fresh and current.
Turnt - Describes an excessive state of excitement, hype, or overall craziness. When used to describe a person, it might also mean they’re intoxicated, either via alcohol or something else.
Example: “You should have seen Casey at the game last night, she was turnt.”
Goals - This one is actually super easy. It literally means the same as “goals” normally would (something to strive for, or desire) but it’s used as an adjective rather than a noun. You can think of it as meaning the same as “desirable” in most cases.
Example: “The way that couple looks at each other is goals.”
AF - This is a bit of a weird one, since it’s never used on its own, but instead adds emphasis to something else. It’s short for “as f**k”, but it’s a cleaner way of saying it, and is a lot less likely to get a teen a scolding by their evil, evil parents!
Example: “Omg, I stayed up to watch "The Bachelor" last night and now I’m tired af.”
Clap back - A snappy comeback. It’s the kind of response where you know exactly what to say to make the other person steam, and it’s the perfect way to win an argument.
Example: “He kept teasing me, but he wasn’t expecting me to clap back!”
Thirsty - This means desperate, impatient, or overly eager. It’s the kind of feeling where you just can’t wait anymore, and a lot of times it’s used when someone greatly desires a relationship or affection from a specific person.
Example: “You see how James acts around Claire? He seems thirsty.”
Shade - Shade is kind of like an insult or a diss. It’s usually used by saying that someone “threw shade” or “is throwing shade,” meaning that you’re putting down someone else, leaving them in the dark, or overshadowing them.
Example: “Kanye just threw shade on Jay-Z on Twitter, this is going to be great.”
9. Savage - Someone who says something without a filter. If you’re “acting savage” you’re probably being more raw and public with your words or actions than people are comfortable with, though it can also be a compliment if you’re arguing with someone and drop a particularly great insult. It means you don’t care what other people think.
Example: “She just broke up with her boyfriend in the middle of the cafeteria while we all watched. Savage!”