I feel like lately I'll turn up K103 and sing along with an 80's song and my son's will be like "How do YOU know this song?" Um, how do YOU know this song is what I say. I was actually alive during the 80's. But so much of that era is now popping up in memes, or a movie soundtrack or in the case of this song, on a show I've been binge-watching with my boys this summer; The Flash.
They run to Alexa and ask her what year it's from. And then ask her to play it. Meantime I'm catapulted back in time to 5th period, waiting for the bell to ring so I can meet up with friends in the quad. Only we didn't have iPhones to listen to our music during lunch, it was Sony Walkman's IF you were lucky enough to get one for your birthday or Christmas. And if you were even more lucky, that Christmas stocking would be filled with a 3pk of TDK cassettes so you could make your own mixtape. That is, IF you were lucky enough to have a boombox to record it on.
Kids today right? They've no clue how many hours we walked uphill in the snow, without shoes, just to get to the record store before it closed.
Today's 80's classic from Crowded House: Don't Dream It's Over