- Lists are everywhere this time of year but I feel like every thing on THIS list is something I totally want to do. So maybe these small and simple tips could make a big difference in your life this year as well. Here are 10 to consider (full list at buzzfeed)
1. Practice saying “I get to” instead of “I have to."
2. Study something, just for fun.
3. Practice giving compliments, and give at least one every day.
4. Find a hobby that you can do with your hands.
5. Memorize two or three phone numbers in case of emergency.
6. Reach out to an old friend you’ve lost touch with.
7. Get into the habit of doing your dishes every night before bed.
8. Find a healthy and easy breakfast that you actually love.
9. Sleep with your phone in a different room.
10. Unsubscribe from emails as you get them, instead of just deleting them right away
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