This Is Us will end after Season 6. This comes straight from the horse's mouth. (where did we get that phrase? rando!) Dan Fogelman's This is Us partner Isaac Aptaker revealed to Deadline “From day one, Dan came in with his master plan for the big picture stuff of the show and said, ‘I think this is where we end up. I think this is what I know. Let’s figure out the rest together.’ So all of the writers and the actors really know everything,” said Aptaker. “We’re all pretty good at keeping secrets by now, it’s been three years, but it’s a total open book for everyone who works on the show, so there are no secrets from each other"
Aptaker said they would rather leave viewers wanting more than feeling like the show has gone on too long. “We’ve had this end in mind for a long time, so we’re able to plan for it, and try to make it feel like it’s a whole, as opposed to a series that’s going to go endlessly.”