Special DD/TMSG for Saturday, March 2

These are not our happiest times; I'm sure you know what I mean. Tension crackles through the airwaves like cloud-to-cloud lightning in a thunderstorm. People are stressed, snappish, humorless. Laughter seems a rare surprise. I'm conflicted, in writing the Daily Drip and doing news on the radio, between the traditional journalist duty of reporting fact after condemnatory fact, and a desire to soften the reality, to make things OK, which is my nature as a human. I'm more sarcastic, and other people seem that way too. There's a lot to dislike about our world, country, state, and city. My BP lately has been lunar. I question my purpose.

And then comes a story like this. I'm putting it in the DD coffee cup so we can go and visit, again and again.

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