Nearly Impossible Question - April 2018

April 27th

You usually don't want to do it, but if you do this today you"ll most likely do it between 7:30 pm and 8:00 pm. What?

Answer: Cry

April 26th

Just over half of us take a shower after we do this. What?

Answer: After we take a bath.

April 25th

Almost 10% of vinyl record buyers have THIS in common.  What is it?

Answer:  They don't own a record player.

April 24th

It's the most common non-contagious disease in the world.  What is it?

Answer:  Tooth decay.

April 23rd 

Only 1% of Americans can do it.  What?

Answer:  Stick their big toe in their mouth.

April 20th

Almost three quarters of Americans do this at least monthly.  What is it?

Answer:  Clip or use a coupon.

April 19th

If you're average, you'll do it several times every day;the first time you'll do it today will be around 10:54 am.  What is it?

Answer:  Use a cuss word.

April 18th

 Next time you see 5 people in one place, look at them carefully. Odds are, one of them believes....WHAT?

Answer:  That the earth is flat.

April 17th

You'll have eaten around 3,000 of them in your lifetime; 3,000 WHAT?

Answer:  Peanut butter & jelly sandwiches.

April 16th

Over half of singles will do THIS on a first date, to make themselves feel more confident.  What?

Answer:  Wear black.

April 13th

#1 place to lose your cell phone is….where?

Answer: The grocery store.

April 12th

40% of woman have done it.  Done what?

Answer:  Thrown a shoe at a man.

April 11th 

Over 1/2 of us have this fantasy at least twice a month.  What is it?

Answer:  Quitting our jobs.

April 10th

The average woman has twice as many of these as the average man.  What is it?

Answer:  Pillows.

April 9th

The average woman has 11 of these, and doesn't want any of them.  What?

Answer:  Pounds she wants to lose.

April 6th

In the bedroom, 80% of the time the woman in the relationship makes this decision.  What?

Answer:  Which side of the bed they'll sleep on.

April 5th

We think this is kid's stuff, but almost a quarter of us have done it as an adult. What?

Answer:  Climb a tree.

April 4th

They’re everywhere, but on an average night you’ll find as many as 200 of these on the job at Disneyland. What?

Answer:  Cats.

April 3rd

Everybody does it, but most of us do it in 15 minutes or less.  What?

Answer:  Fall asleep at night.

April 2nd

Three-quarters of us do, which means a full quarter of us never do?  What?

Answer:  Use deodorant.

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