Royal Rules Meghan Markle MUST Follow

The Royal Wedding is almost here and little girl fairy tale dreams aside, life as a duchess isn't all rainbows and butterflies. Meghan Markle will be expected to follow all kinds of crazy rules to be a royal. 

  • No shellfish. Members of the royal family aren't to eat lobster, shirmp etc in the off chance they get food poisoning. Same with rare meat, foreign water, and anything too spicy or excotic
  • No PDA. Which is sad, all the hand holding she does with Harry will have to stop in public
  • No social media. No selfies. No autographs
  • No skin showing. Well almost no skin. Dresses must fall beneath the knee, and no way no how with the cleavage. Also she'll be forced to wear panty hose, which so far she's not gotten on board with
  • No Monopoly. Yes, the board game. Because ya know, "it gets too vicious"

WOW. Marriage is hard enough without adding all these antiquated rules. 'But Monopoly is my favorite board game'. NO! Off with her head!

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