When I was a teenager I was convinced I would marry Todd, my first love. And that we would name our daughter Rhiannon after my then favorite Fleetwood Mac song. Oh the dreams of a 17 year old...But my love for Fleetwood Mac, specifically Stevie Nicks, hasn't changed. This International Women's Day I am honoring all 5' 1" of powerhouse that is Stevie Nicks. Since I was a kid playing my mom's Rumors record and later blasting my Bella Donna cassette on my Sony boombox 24-freaking-7, Stevie's just always been fierce, independent, strong, and beautifully gifted no matter what the world of music, run by men, threw at her. And all these decades later she's still an inspiration making it into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for A SECOND TIME this year. She's now in as a member of Fleetwood Mac and as the baddass solo artist and singer/songwriter she is. Enough talk let's rock out.
Some great Stevie interviews below because how cool is she? Happy International Women's Day.