K103 Honor Roll Recognizes Outstanding Teacher Jennifer Brazier

K103 and Concordia University are pleased to honor and support outstanding educators making a difference in the lives of students in their schools each month. Congratulations to this month’s honored educator, Jennifer Brazier, 11th Grade Chemistry Teacher at Lakeridge High School.

All of us at K103 and Concordia University are deeply honored to bestow the K103 Honor Roll award to Jennifer Brazier and Lakeridge High. 

Congratulations to all of the esteemed educators who are now on the K103 Honor Roll and thanks to our partners at Concordia University and Jersey Mike’s for participating in this worthwhile program!

How many years have you been teaching?

This year is my 12th year teaching. I started out teaching in my early 20s at a high school near Purdue University in Indiana. Then I moved to Portland from the Midwest, took a break from teaching in order to get my Masters degree in Chemistry from Portland State University, and raise my two beautiful daughters. Eight years ago I returned to teaching and began working for the Lake Oswego School District.

Why did you choose this career and why High School?

Even when I was a young girl in elementary school, I knew I wanted to be a teacher. I used to save up my kindergarten and first-grade workbooks and try to make my brothers "play school" with me. At that time, playing school was a fun game... I did not realize how rewarding it would be.

As I grew older, I knew that I was going to value two things most in life: family and helping others. The teaching profession allows me to work closely with students and helps me believe that I might have some small impact on the world around me. If I show kindness to a student who is having a difficult time or help a student build skills to increase his/her confidence, I hope this positivity will spread.

First of all, I love the difficulty of the subject matter. The curriculum is exciting to me, so I can pass that enthusiasm onto my students. I love to see students realize that they can be successful when presented with difficult material.

Second, teenagers are truly amazing people. Teenagers are often thought of as difficult to deal with.... But that is NOT what I see in my students. I see exceedingly kind, courageous and unbelievably hard working people. And they are FUNNY!! They make me laugh and smile each day. The students are what make my job so rewarding.

Most teachers tell us that they actually learn a lot from their students. What are the biggest lessons your students have taught you?

Of course teachers learn their subject matter deeper every time they teach it and with every probing student question. But that is not the most valuable lesson that I have learned from my students.

My students have taught me to keep laughing through life. They are full of energy, joy and happiness. They bring laughter and smiles with them into the classroom. That is to be celebrated and cherished.

My students have also taught me courage and strength. They are so young, yet some of them carry such heavy burdens. The way they handle their challenges often amazes me.

What do you love most about teaching?

What I love most about teaching is absolutely the students! I adore them ... they become part of my family.

I also love the creativity that is allowed to me when teaching. My lessons are only limited by my imagination.

Anything else you want to say about the school and your students?

I am so thankful to be surrounded by such kind and good people. The joy and purpose that I feel towards my job are rewarding beyond measure. I am so lucky to have the amazing students, colleagues and administration that I have.

The K103 Honor Roll is powered by Concordia University. K103 and Concordia University thank all the amazing educators who make our schools great! Each month during the school year, K103 will honor a local educator with a spot on the K103 Honor Roll. Each honored educator receives:

  • $500 Gift Card from Concordia University for school supplies
  • Engraved Commemorative Plaque + Etched glass award
  • Catered lunch for the teacher's lounge from Jersey Mike's
  • In-school visit and awards presentation from the K103 Morning Show

CLICK HERE to nominate your favorite educator!

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