Help Team Janine Mask Makers Sew Masks for our Healthcare Workers in Need

Knowing there's a great shortage of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), especially medical face masks, for our healthcare workers; I am sewing masks along with members of my Komen "More Than Pink Walk" team, K103's, Team Janine, and we'd love for you to join us!

If you have a sewing machine, and you can sew, join us in this life-protecting, life-saving effort. You'll need Cotton fabric for the masks and Elastic or Bias Tape, for the ties (if you can find any).

There are many online instruction videos to choose from for making the masks, but this is the one I'm using:

Click HERE for the mask-making video

Be sure to preshrink the fabric. If you can't find Elastic for the part of the mask that goes around the ears to keep it on, you can use Bias Tape to make ties. If you can't find Bias Tape, you can make your own ties like I did; fashioned like Bias Tape:

  • Cut strips of fabric 15" long X 2" wide. Fold 1/3 of the 2" side of the fabric toward the middle & iron flat. Fold the other 1/3 of the 2" side of the fabric toward the middle & iron flat. Fold both of those pieces together & iron flat. Then sew around the open edge to secure it, except for the open edge that will be sewn inside the mask.

When you're done making your masks, you can drop them off at JoAnn Fabric locations around the metro area. Please call them before you arrive to let them know you're coming, that way they will be ready to come out to your car to get them from you.

Click HERE for JoAnn locations


You may personally know of a healthcare facility, like Assisted Living or Memory Care facility that is in need of masks. Please contact them directly to make arrangements for delivery.

Be sure to let us know you're on Team Janine's Mask Makers by posting a picture on Facebook or Instagram of you at your sewing machine or with you finished product...and don't forget to tag us: @K103Portland and we'll give you a shout out and feature you on this blog.

One of Janine's masks

Thank you for joining Team Janine Mask-Makers.

God Bless!

Becky was the inspiration for me to start Team Janine Mask Makers. She called me at K103 one day to ask who I was talking about on the air that needed masks; it was a hospital in Salem. We got to talking and she told me she was sewing a bunch of masks for healthcare workers or anyone else who needed them. Then she preceded to tell me where to get supplies, and pretty much everything else I needed to know to help. A few days later I went to JoAnn Fabrics and bought the supplies and started sewing. So far Becky has made over 200 masks!

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