Stacey & Mike's Happy News: Pregnant Firefighter Gives Birth After Rescue

Maryland firefighter Megan Warfield is wired to help others. So when the pregnant 30-year-old was a passenger involved in a multi-car collision earlier this month, she put her labor contractions on the back burner to save a person trapped in their vehicle. 

She initially got out of her car to help direct traffic. But then she saw a car was overturned.

Shortly after paramedics arrived to take over, Warfield, who had been on desk duty during her pregnancy, decided she should go to the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore to get herself checked out. 

Megan and her boyfriend, Joshua Daugherty, welcomed a healthy little girl named Charlotte on Oct. 4, less than 24 hours after the crash. Charlotte joined siblings Ellie, 6, and Jameson, 5. 

Fun fact: Joshua, a paramedic, was one of the first responders on the scene.

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