Stacey & Mike's Happy News: Artist Redesigns Strangers Mid Flyers For Free

A digital artist who usually charges hundreds of dollars for the service is surprising strangers by redesigning their lackluster flyers for free, after finding them on the street.

Max Kolomatsky came up with the guerrilla marketing idea last year after noticing the many uninspiring posters plastered on street lights, buildings, and subway stations in his New York City neighborhood.

The 25-year-old started taking them home and redesigning them in his spare time, while making videos of the ‘random acts of kindness’ for his TikTok page.

He’s completed at least 15 free redesigns, transforming boring and hard to read flyers with eye-catching images, bold colors, and a stand-out typeface.

His most popular video, with 11 million views, features a dull, black-and-white flyer for a cleaning service named The Clean Team. He dreamed up a superhero theme that looked like the Avengers armed with spray bottle, mop, and sponge.

For discreetly pasting the improved flyers around the city, Max has been compared to Banksy, the pop artist who remains anonymous while creating art in public spaces.

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