On the air at 62 KGW
Goofing around with Glynn Shannon at an event...he was very funny!
My station card that was used to autograph for listeners. This is my least favorite station picture of all time due to an unfortunate perm (my hair was actually straight)!
"Look Ma"! I made it onto the official 4th of July extravaganza poster...too bad I'm holding a can of Bud...yuck! That's John Erickson in the lower left corner.
Glynn Shannon being goofy & making Craig Walker, Me, Bryan O'Neal & Lyle Arthur laugh.
King Broadcasting owned 62 KGW, KINK and KGW TV, so we all knew each other. One of the huge events we put on was called Neighbor Fair, and we took over the entire Waterfront Park with it. It was all about Portland, and everybody came. I loved the KINK guys, L-R Alan Lawson, Les Sarnoff & Ron Allen.
Spinning the tunes at Neighbor Fair (still the unfortunate perm).