Tik-Toker Tips For Waste-Free Living

It's Earth Day people. What is your family doing for Mother Earth today?

Elite Daily compiled a bunch of TikToker's tips

  • Turn your jars into spice shakers- If you have a stash of empty mason jars at home, save the top from a cheese shaker and use it torepurpose jarsinto spice shakers.
  • Ditch the plastic wrap for reusable silicone lids- Swap your aluminum foil and plastic wrap forreusable silicone lidsthat fit over lots of containers and can be tossed in the dishwasher.
  • Use banana peels as fertilizer- If you’re a plant person,turn a banana peelinto fertilizer by putting the peel in a jar with water overnight. In the morning, the “dirty” water can be used to feed your plants extra nutrients.
  • Shred your paper bags to use in gifts- Instead of buying tissue paper to use in a present,repurposepaper shopping bags by running them through the paper shredder and using them as filler in gifts.
  • Cut your soda cans to make planters- Wash your empty cans and cut them to makeunique plantersfor your home. This TikToker shows you how to use a can opener to cut off the top, poke holes in the bottom, then fill a can with dirt and a plant, just like you would with a regular pot.
  • DIY a cleaner out of orange peels and vinegar- Cleaning products often come in plastic bottles and are made with harsh chemicals, but you can make your own out of natural ingredients. Thisvideoexplains how to use orange peels and vinegar to do it, then pour it in a reusable spray bottle. It’ll not only save you a little m

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