Stacey & Mike's Senior Shout Out: Will Noel Headed to U of O

Meet this amazing dude Will Noel who is graduating from Sandy High School.

His Dad Jeremy said: "Will Noel is a senior at Sandy High School. He’s kind, generous, focused and hardworking. He currently has a 4.23 GPA and will be one of his high school’s valedictorians. He is a member of 5 different clubs and president of 3 of those. He has been volunteering his time to the community since the 6th grade and also works part time while attending school. He will be attending the University of Oregon to obtain a degree in Secondary Education. He is eager to become a teacher and give back to his community."

This outstanding young man will receive a $100 prepaid Visa Gift Card, courtesy of Oregon Charter Academy, Oregon’s award winning K-12 online public school. Your child’s unique path to success starts here.

Congrats to EVERYONE who is graduating. Tomorrow we wrap up Senior Shout Outs at 7:40.

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