Stacey & Mike's Happy News: Oregon Man Walked 33 Miles To Work...

Eric Akers from Prineville, who walked 33 miles to work in Bend after his car broke down, found that, once word got out, the emails started pouring in from people who wanted to give him a hand Or a car.

When Eric’s car broke down, rather than call in sick, Eric got up and started walking. In about 6 1/2 hours, he made it to his job in Bend to start his night shift.

Well, Chris Arsenault and his wife were inspired to do something when they heard about this. Sitting on their property was a 25-year-old Honda they no longer needed.

Chris said he was on a tractor when he heard about Eric and he was impressed by Eric’s dedication.

On his first drive, Eric said the car handles and sounds good.

Several other people also reached out to Central Oregon Daily to make similar offers.

Thank you to Jasmine in Portland for sharing this story with us. If you have Happy News to share let us know. You can catch Happy News weekday mornings with Stacey and Mike at 6:40.

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