Your Own Tiny Doppelganger? Hasbro's Selfie Superheroes Are Here!

In the late 90's Mattel let you make your own Barbie doll of yourself. 3D printers hadn't been invented yet so you basically got to dress her in the outfit you liked and sort of match your hair color. But I didn't care, as a lifelong Barbie lover and collector I was so excited, and I still have "me" mint in box.

Now Hasbro is making fully poseable action figures using a 3d scanned version of your face! If you’ve always wanted your own tiny doppleganger download the Hasbro Pulse app, scan your face, and for $50 you can customize your own mini me. Make room on your shelf for yourself. Great Christmas gift idea! (it is only 162 days away)

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