Thanks to Melora in Beaverton for today's yummy happy news!
KFC restaurants offer more than a half-dozen side dishes, including its Secret Recipe fries, mashed potatoes, and mac and cheese. It doesn't typically include a bag of cash, but that's exactly what JoAnn Oliver got last week.
On Wednesday, she ordered a chicken sandwich at a KFC's drive-thru, but when she got back to her desk and opened the bag, she found a small envelope, filled with $543 in cash, which had been placed underneath her sandwich.
The Police Department investigated, and discovered that someone at KFC had mistakenly placed the restaurant's daily bank deposit in the bag with her to-go order. "Not only did Mrs. Oliver do the right thing, but she saved the manager's job," the Police wrote on Facebook.
JoAnn admitted that she thought about keeping some of the cash "for a second" because she and her husband are currently facing $2 million in medical bills, but decided to give every last penny back to the restaurant.
KFC did refund the money she'd spent on her lunch, and gave her a second free meal.
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