Stacey & Mike's Happy News: Student Tattoo's Teacher's Inspiring Note

A recent graduate from Carroll High School in Indiana, got a tattoo of a note from his teacher because Chayce McCoy says that before his teacher Renee, he was never interested in school.

Chayce joined the school’s culinary arts program, taught by Renee Sigmon, during his junior year. And she says she has a goal in her classroom: to make her students feel like family.

That’s why Chayce got a tattoo of the words from a note she wrote him before he graduated. The note said, “Don’t let anyone dull your sparkle! Always live your truth and continue to fight for what you believe.”

He decided to record Sigmon’s reaction to the tattoo and post it on TikTok for others to see.

The video has since gone viral and has been viewed over 4 million times.

The comments are filled with people saying they wish they had a teacher like Sigmon. McCoy and Sigmon shared similar advice to those people.

“I had to let my guard down a little bit with teachers,” McCoy said. “I think it is important to have good relationships with teachers.

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