Music has the very unique gift of making us feel. And some songs do that better than others. One in fact is considered the ulitmate pick-me-up: Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now.”
The track is scientifically proven to make us feel more upbeat, according to a study from the University of Missouri. Neuroscientist Jacob Jolij came up with a formula for happiness by analyzing 126 songs from a 50-year period. He had 2,000 Brits pick their faves and then studied the beats per minute, theme, key, and lyrics from the top choices. And that Queen song was mentioned by close to two-thirds of those surveyed.
Jolij says that the pattern was very clear for what makes a great pick-me-up song. He explains that the average tempo of a “feel good” song was a lot higher than the average pop song. The list of feel-good songs had an average tempo of around 140 to 150 beats per minute, compared to the average pop song’s 118 beats per minute.
SO crank it up and hit repeat. And share the happy with your friends.