Gender reveals have become as important to expectant moms as sonograms and baby showers so I'm not so sure I see them going away next year, but according to PureWow gender reveals will become a thing of the past in 2019. If you're expecting a baby congrats and remember YOU DO YOU!
- Authoritative parenting - These parents are more flexible and democratic, with a focus on balance. It’s kind of like the Goldilocksapproach of not being too strict but not a total pushover and some of the common traits of the parenting style include having expectations for kids, but giving them the resources and emotional support to succeed, placing limits on behavior and being fair and consistent with discipline when rules are broken.
- “Raindrop” baby names - These are names that include soft consonants, like M, N, L, R, or Y and have two or more syllables into four or fewer letters, like Liam, Aria, and Emma.
- No more gender reveals - Having a big party to announce the sex of your baby is going to become a thing of the past, much to the delight of close friends of women who will be pregnant in 2019.
- Subscription everything - We’re talking subscription baby food, toys, diapers, and even a subscription service for postpartum recovery items new moms need.
- Grandparents-only photo sharing - The days of locking down an Instagram handle for your baby before they’re even born are ending and heading into 2019, parents are choosing to be more intimate and targeted about the photo sharing of their little bundles of joy. The photo sharing app Tiny Beans allows you to add specific people and post a pic a day with a caption and it even alerts grandparents when a new photo is added. Bring on those bathtub pics!
- Audio books vs. screen time - Pinterest reports that searches for “audio storytellers” are up 126% and audio books give parents a great screen time work-around. It’s not a screen, but it’s not mom reading a bedtime story again, and little ones can unwind and listen to a book at the end of the day.
- Hands-free breast pumps - Say what? I remember squeezing into the stall at the work bathroom to pump. It was loud, cumbersome and NOT FUN. But there’s a new wave of breast pumps that slip under a bra and don’t need to be plugged in, so moms can walk around and live life while using them. Now that’s a game-changer